why and how to stay focus ?

Today I'm going to talk about why and how can you stay focus most powerful ways to stay focus so let's begin by asking most important question .

Staying focus is very important but why ?
-because by focusing we do more we achieve more and chances of your success becomes more and more. 
you do more and you become better version of yourself you achieve more so you can save your most of the time.

Elon Musk said :
 Work 80 or 100 hours a week so it means you can achieve in 4 months that other people takes  year to achieve same thing so you are ahead of anyone else and chances of your success becomes more. 

_The difference between average minded person and rich successful person is only how they manage their focus .
So to do more you need more focus 

"You have you to stay focus to win the race "

Next Question is  how can I stay focus ?
Here is two most important ways by which you can stay focus :

If you love something you do it for love you don't have problem about focus in that thing which you love .

eg. You love playing football you don't have to manage your focus you just do it you play because you love it right.
So if you want to achieve more find your passion and love what you do you automatically become focus .

it is true it can also achieve by practice you can learn to stay focus by practicing focus.
you have to practice focus you have to exercise focus decide what you want to achieve today in what time you want to achieve and set reminder stay focus work on it until your time is over. Do it each day for 21 days after 21 days it become your habit to saty focus.
After doing this you will feel proud of yourself and you can earn more also save your time and reach new level of self worth .

In next post I will teach you about books and peoples how they achive and stay focus also about focus in leadership and mindset of leaders.

Thank you for reading 🙂


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